Words of Wisdom from Imām Mālik — Importance of Knowledge When Writing Publicly

Ibn Farrūkh wrote to Imām Mālik (rahimahullāh), informing him that their land had many innovations (bid‘ah), and that he had written something in refutation of them. Imām Mālik wrote back to him:
“If you believe you are capable of doing this, I fear that you may humiliate yourself and perish. Only someone who is knowledgeable, precise, and well-versed in what he is saying to them should respond to them, someone whom they are unable to counter. If this is the case, then there is no harm in it. But as for anyone else, I fear that he may speak to them and make a mistake, causing them to follow his error, or that he may make a mistake that they hold against him, thus leading them to further transgression and an increase in their persistence upon that innovation.”
كتب ابن فروخ إلى مالك يخبره، أن بلدنا كثير البدع، وأنه ألف لهم كلاما في الرد عليهم، فكتب إليه مالك في الرسالة: إنك إن ظننت ذلك بنفسك خفت أن تذل وتهلك. لا يرد عليهم إلا من كان عالما ضابطا عارفا بما يقول لهم، لا يقدرون أن يعرجوا عليه، فإن هذا لا بأس به. وأما غير ذلك فإني أخاف أن يكلمهم فيخطئ، فيمضوا على خطئه، أو يظفروا منه بشيء يتعلقون به فيطغوا، ويزدادوا تماديا على ذلك
Source: Tabaqāt ‘Ulamā Ifrīqiyah (pg. 36)
Commentary: This is pertinent advice from Imām Mālik (rahimahullāh). In the age of social media, it is crucial for a person of Sunnah to be cautious about what they spread online, even when refuting innovations. A mistake in doing so could cause more harm than good. Such matters should be left to those with knowledge and experience.