The Importance of Kindness and Good Manners in Dawah — Shaykh Ali ibn Nasir al-Faqihi

Shaykh Ali ibn Nasir al-Faqihi (rahimahullah) authored a series of books titled ‘al-Wasaya,’ in which he extracts lessons, teachings, and admonitions from the Qur’an and Sunnah.
While drawing insights from the story of Prophet Yusuf (‘alayhi as-salam), he wrote:
“The two young men who were in prison with Yusuf (‘alayhi as-salam) described him by saying:
﴾إِنَّا نَرَاكَ مِنَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ﴿
‘Indeed, we see you as one of the doers of good.’ (Yusuf 12:36)
So, doing good to people is one of the reasons for the acceptance of a caller’s invitation to Allah (da‘wah). Yusuf (‘alayhi as-salam) was described as such in both word and deed. He was known for his generosity, trustworthiness, truthfulness in speech, abundant worship, good conduct and kindness towards the prisoners, visiting their sick, and fulfilling their rights.
This is what the two young men testified when they said to him: ‘Indeed, we see you as one of the doers of good.’
Therefore, O caller to Allah who takes on the mission of the messengers, you have in Yusuf (‘alayhi as-salam) and in the leader of the messengers, Muhammad ﷺ, the best role model in dealing with people, inviting them, and guiding them to goodness, whether through speech, writing, or action, so that people may accept the goodness you call them to.
The wise poet said in this regard:

‘Be kind to people, you will win their hearts,
For often, kindness enslaves humans.’
Indeed, Yusuf (‘alayhi as-salam) the noble prophet, adopted this method as a means to gain acceptance for his call. Then, he informed them that the knowledge and understanding he had in interpreting dreams were from Allah’s grace upon him and all people.”
Source: Al-Wasaya, al-Majmu‘ah al-Thaminah (pp. 75-76)