Imam Muslim reported that Yazid al-Faqir said: “I was obsessed with the view of the Khawarij [1], and we set out in a large group intending to perform Hajj and then going out to the people [for the propagation of the views of the Khawarij]. We happened to pass by…
‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) wrote in his letter to Abū Mūsa al-Ash‘arī regarding judicial rulings and their etiquettes: “Do not let a judgment you issued yesterday prevent you from revisiting it and being guided to what is correct, for the truth is ancient, and nothing invalidates the truth. Returning…
The following are beneficial statements and quotes from Shaykh Ḥammād ibn Muḥammad al-Anṣārī, selected from his biography written by his son, ‘Abdul-Awwal ibn Ḥammād al-Anṣārī, entitled ‘al-Majmū‘ fī Tarjamah al-‘Allāmah al-Muḥaddith Ḥammād al-Anṣārī’. Shaykh Ḥammād al-Anṣārī, originally from Mali, was a renowned scholar who lived in Madīnah until his passing…
Imam al-Dhahabi (rahimahullah) said: “The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ loved: [1] ‘A’isha; [2] her father; [3] Usamah (ibn Zayd); [4 & 5] his two grandsons; [6] sweet foods and [7] honey; [8] Mount Uhud; [9] his homeland (Makkah); [10] the Ansar; and countless other things essential to a believer.” Source:…
Allamah Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali (rahimahullah) wrote: Chapter: It is necessary to disapprove of unlegislated actions, even if many people do them It should be known that numerous matters are practiced by a large number of people contrary to the legal (shar’i) command, and such practices become widespread among them. Many…
Ibn Farrūkh wrote to Imām Mālik (rahimahullāh), informing him that their land had many innovations (bid‘ah), and that he had written something in refutation of them. Imām Mālik wrote back to him: “If you believe you are capable of doing this, I fear that you may humiliate yourself and perish.…
About the Author: Shaykh Sulaymān ibn ‘Abdul-Raḥmān ibn Ḥamdān was one of the scholars of Makkah who taught in al-Masjid al-Ḥarām from many decades, as well as in al-Masjid al-Nabawī. He studied under several renowned scholars, notably, the Najdi scholars Shaykh Sulaymān ibn Saḥmān and Shaykh Sa‘d ibn Ḥamad ibn…
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sālih al-Uthaymīn (rahimahullāh): A person must defend themselves if accused of something they did not do. They should not say: “Let those who accuse me be; let Allāh, the Mighty and Majestic, hold them accountable” — no. It is mentioned in the narration: “May Allāh have mercy…
Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi‘i wrote: Some of the fruits of belief in al-Qadr (Divine Decree) are: 1. Fulfilling the Worship of Allah: Belief in al-Qadr is one of the ways Allah has commanded us to worship him. 2. Strength of Faith: A believer in al-Qadr remains steadfast and unshaken,…
Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-‘Uthaymīn (raḥimahullāh) said: [Marriage Takes Precedence Over Other Non-Obligatory Acts of Worship] Getting married, for one who has libido, is superior to supererogatory acts of worship. If a person finds themselves capable of arousal, and they have sufficient wealth to support the basic needs of a…