Wise Statements from Shaykh Hammad al-Ansari Concerning Seeking Knowledge

Wise Statements from Shaykh Hammad al-Ansari Concerning Seeking Knowledge

The following are beneficial statements and quotes from Shaykh Ḥammād ibn Muḥammad al-Anṣārī, selected from his biography written by his son, ‘Abdul-Awwal ibn Ḥammād al-Anṣārī, entitled ‘al-Majmū‘ fī Tarjamah al-‘Allāmah al-Muḥaddith Ḥammād al-Anṣārī’. Shaykh Ḥammād al-Anṣārī, originally from Mali, was a renowned scholar who lived in Madīnah until his passing…

The Fruits of Belief in al-Qadr (Divine Decree)

The Fruits of Belief in al-Qadr (Divine Decree)

Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi‘i wrote: Some of the fruits of belief in al-Qadr (Divine Decree) are: 1. Fulfilling the Worship of Allah: Belief in al-Qadr is one of the ways Allah has commanded us to worship him. 2. Strength of Faith: A believer in al-Qadr remains steadfast and unshaken,…