Ahlul-Bid’ah Despise the Salafis — Imam al-Sabuni & Shaykh Rabi’ al-Madkhali

al-Imām Abū ‘Uthmān aş-Şābūnī (D. 449) رَحمَهُ اللهُ:

“The signs of the people of innovation are distinct and apparent. The clearest of their signs is their extreme enmity towards the carriers of the prophetic narrations and their belittlement of them. Calling them [names such as] Hashawiyyah¹, Ignorants, Dhāhiryyah², and Mushabbihah³.”

Shaykh al-‘Allāmah Rabī’ ibn Hādī al-Madkhali حفظة الله :

This is from the clearest and most apparent signs of the people of innovation. You will not find [from amongst them] a Rāfidī nor a Șūfī nor a person of politics and partisanship (Hizbiyyah) nor anybody who traverses the path of these liars who claim to be Salafis, except that he hates the people of Hadith and is not able to bear their mention. Especially those who combat their innovations and misguidance and the innovations of their scholars; for indeed they wage war against them in every type of way, perhaps even excelling the Jews in their lies and spreading of false news.

So, if you see an individual reviling the people of Sunnah then this is a clear sign that he is an innovator and he may be a zindīq (innovating heretic). If you see an individual reviling the people of Sunnah and Hadith then he does not do so except because he is an opposer of them and belittles that which they are upon, there is no doubt about that. If that is not the case, then what drives him towards reviling the Sunnah and its people?! Nothing drives him except the fact that he is misguided and conceals (within his heart) deviation, evil and wickedness.

This is from their signs; the signs of the people of evil and innovation, even if he says ‘I am from Ahlus-Sunnah’ then do not believe him, for he is a liar! Many of these lying imposters will say to you ‘I am Salafi’ and they are liars, they do not say this except out of deception. Just like the hypocrite says, ‘I am a believer, I am a Muslim’, he will not [make it apparent and] say ‘I am a disbeliever, a hypocrite and I hate Islām’ rather he will say he is a Muslim and he prays and gives in charity and does righteous deeds whilst [in reality] he wages war against Islām and hates its people.

Many people in this time say they are Salafi, yet you do not find them except that they hate the people of Hadith and revile them.

Source: Explanation of Aqidah as-Salaf wa Aşhāb al-Hadith (pp. 464-465)


[1] Worthless, lowly ones – a derogatory term used by the people of innovation against the people of Sunnah and Hadith for their affirmation of Allah’s attributes without ta’wil.

[2] They named Ahlus-Sunnah this due to them believing in the texts of the revelation upon their clear and apparent meanings without misinterpreting or distorting, as is the way of the people of desires. (Shaykh Rabi’ pg. 473)

[3] Those who liken Allāh to his creation – they accuse Ahlus-Sunnah of being ‘Mushabbihah’ for their affirmation of Allah’s attributes without ta’wil.