Fiqh Principle: Who is Responsible for Wealth being Damaged, Lost or Stolen While in the Possession of Someone Other than the Owner? — Shaykh al-Sa‘di

Fiqh Principle: Who is Responsible for Wealth being Damaged, Lost or Stolen While in the Possession of Someone Other than the Owner? — Shaykh al-Sa‘di

Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sa‘di (rahimahullah): Regarding the person who is entrusted with wealth by the consent of its owner or is in charge of it; including someone who holds wealth for safekeeping, a trustee (who acts as a representative of another), a renter, a business partner, etc. If the…

Hadith: “The believer is kind-hearted and noble, and the wicked is sly and malicious.” — Explained by al-Khattabi & al-Albani

Hadith: “The believer is kind-hearted and noble, and the wicked is sly and malicious.” — Explained by al-Khattabi & al-Albani

Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: المؤمن غِرٌّ كريم والفاجر خِبٌّ لئيم “The believer is kind-hearted and noble, and the wicked is sly and malicious.” (Abu Dawud & al-Tirmidhi) Imam al-Khattabi (rahimahullah) commented on this hadith: The meaning of this statement is that the…